The Ultimate Guide to Pisces Chakra Stones

Pisces chakra stones are healing crystals that resonate specifically with the chakra energy centers of people born between February 19th and March 20th.

Chakra stones can be a great way to heal and balance your body, mind, and spirit. Each chakra is associated with a different color and a different set of crystals. And each zodiac sign resonates with particular healing stones.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best crystals for Pisces chakra balancing and provide tips for using these stones to help you improve your well-being!

pisces chakra stones (image showing a row of 7 colorful healing crystals)

Pisces Crystals

Every zodiac sign has a specific set of healing crystals that works particularly well for people of this sign. The Pisces sign is one of the water signs and is associated with the color blue.

Pisces people are in touch with their emotions, good listeners, and very compassionate. They also have a strong connection to the spiritual realm. Pisces are often creative and very intuitive.

The downside of this is that they also have a strong tendency to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious. The best stones for Pisces have to balance out these tendencies!

They support your strengths while alleviating the struggles that can come with certain personality traits in a world that isn’t always forgiving and accommodating to sensitive people and daydreamers.

The best Pisces healing crystals are soothing and balance out emotions but also help to ground Pisces energy, so you don’t get lost in your emotions. These stones should also help to channel daydreams and creativity in a way that you personally find rewarding and helpful, be that by providing peace of mind to enjoy your hobby or by giving you a boost of energy to turn your hobby into a business.

Daydreaming, in particular, is something that can be hindering and that might make life more difficult. But at the same time, it’s an immense source of inspiration and can help to facilitate rewarding experiences!

The Pisces birthstone for those born in February is amethyst. Those born in March in the zodiac sign of Pisces have a strong connection to aquamarine, which is also the March birthstone. Both crystals have very calming and soothing energies. They are both helpful for reducing stress, anxiety, and tension.

The aquamarine crystal is an excellent stone for Pisces people who have trouble sleeping as it promotes restful sleep and reduces nightmares. Both amethyst and aquamarine are good crystals for you if you want to balance out your mood and feel more at peace or want to use healing crystals in addition to conventional treatments for depression or anxiety.

Zodiac sign Pisces: image showing a woman painted in blue holding a fish bowl

Pisces Chakra Healing

There are seven chakras (energy centers) in the human body. Each chakra is connected to a different color and a different set of crystals. The Pisces chakra stones are those that resonate with the energy centers of people born under the Pisces zodiac sign.

Root Chakra

You can find the root chakra at the base of the spine, and it resonates with the color red. This energy center governs our sense of safety and security by letting us feel connected to the earth. This chakra is particularly important for anxious Pisces people as it helps to keep us grounded and centered.

The following Pisces chakra stones are perfect for balancing and healing the root chakra:

Pisces chakra stones for the Root chakra: opaque red jasper, layered black tourmaline, and translucent light brown smoky quartz

Red Jasper: This stone is known for its ability to ground and stabilize energies. It is the most important root chakra crystal and promotes a sense of safety.

Black Tourmaline: This powerful crystal is excellent for protecting against negative energy and promoting positive vibes. It helps to keep you feel grounded and stable and is generally one of the best crystals for Pisces to have on them!

Smoky Quartz: This crystal is a great choice for Pisces people who struggle with feeling overly emotional. It helps to clear and ground excess energy.

Sacral Chakra

You can find the sacral chakra just below the navel, and it resonates with the color orange. This chakra is responsible for our creativity, sexuality, and sense of pleasure.

Therefore, Pisces who want to lean into their natural affinity for everything that’s creative and inspired could open the sacral chakra for an enormous boost of creative juices. If you feel less creative than you are used to, it might be that your sacral chakra is blocked.

If you want to open or balance your sacral chakra, try these Pisces chakra stones:

Pisces chakra stones for the Sacral chakra: dark orange shiny carnelian, lighter more yellow looking orange calcite, and sparkling white and orange sunstone

Carnelian: This sacral chakra crystal helps to increase creativity and motivation. It also promotes feelings of pleasure, passion, and excitement which makes it one of the best crystals for Pisces!

Orange Calcite: This crystal is known for its ability to increase energy and promote feelings of pleasure. It can also help to boost creativity.

Sunstone: This beautiful stone brings good luck and fortune. It also helps to increase creativity, passion, and vitality. It’s an excellent crystal for Pisces!

Solar Plexus Chakra

You can find the solar plexus chakra in the stomach area, and it is associated with the color yellow. This energy center is responsible for our sense of personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.

Pisces are sensitive souls, and rejection or lack of success can quickly lead to a lack of self-esteem. Balancing the solar plexus chakra can bring back your confidence, though!

Pisces chakra stones for the Solar Plexus: translucent yellow citrine and translucent slightly darker yellow calcite

Citrine: Citrine is the most important solar plexus chakra stone, and it increases confidence and self-esteem, promotes feelings of happiness and optimism, and it attracts good fortune!

Yellow Calcite: This crystal is known for its ability to increase personal power and confidence. It also excels at reducing stress and anxiety, which is always a good property to have in Pisces crystals.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the colors green and pink. It is the center for our ability to love and be loved and understand emotions in general.

Two Pisces chakra stones in particular excel here, and they are both among the best crystals for Pisces in general!

Two of the best crystals for Pisces and heart chakra stones: shiny green aventurine and rose quartz

Green Aventurine: This crystal is known for its ability to promote feelings of love and compassion. It also helps to heal emotional wounds, something Pisces people are prone to.

Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is the love crystal and is strongly associated with the heart chakra. These beautiful pink stones promote love and compassion. They can help you to forgive yourself and others and open your heart to new relationships and friendships.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra can be found in the throat area and is associated with the color blue. This energy center governs our ability to communicate our needs and wants as well as understand others.

If you’re struggling with communication or self-expression, the following Pisces chakra stones can help:

Pisces chakra stones for the throat chakra: opaque brightly colored turquoise, the light and layered blue lace agate, and translucent aquamarine

Turquoise: This beautiful crystal promotes communication and self-expression. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, making it perfect for those struggling with any form of speaking anxiety.

Blue Lace Agate: This crystal’s soothing energy brings feelings of calmness and peace. It can also help to ease fears about speaking up or expressing your true self.

Aquamarine: Aquamarine is a great choice for Pisces who struggle to find the right words or feel like they are not being heard.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located in between the eyebrows and is associated with the color indigo or purple. This chakra is responsible for our intuition, imagination, and wisdom, something that’s at the very center of Pisces nature.

If you want to lean into your natural strength to be empathic, try these Pisces chakra stones:

Dark blue flecked  lapis lazuli, flecked purple lepidolite, and  light blue translucent sapphire

Lapis Lazuli: This crystal promotes intuition, imagination, and creativity. This perfect combination makes it one of the best crystals for Pisces! It can also help to ease fears about speaking up or expressing yourself.

Lepidolite: This stone helps to promote intuition and psychic awareness. Lepidolite is a great stone for Pisces who are seeking guidance and clarity.

Sapphire: This blue crystal is known for its calming and relaxing properties. It helps to ease anxiety and stress. Sapphire is also helpful for opening up the third eye chakra and promoting spiritual insights.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with the color violet or white. This energy center is responsible for our connection to our higher selves, the Universe, and the Divine.

Clear quartz is the main crown chakra stone, but the following Pisces gemstones are particularly efficient in providing mental clarity and opening the Pisces crown chakra:

3 of the best Pisces crystals: deep purple amethyst, shiny silver and white moonstone, and light blue translucent celestite

Amethyst: As we discussed earlier, Amethyst is one of the best crystals for Pisces. It promotes peace, calmness, and relaxation. Amethyst is also helpful for opening up both the crown and the third eye chakra!

Moonstone: This wonderful stone is excellent when you want to connect with your intuition and higher self. Moonstone is a great stone for Pisces who are seeking guidance or clarity in their life path. Many Pisces feel very drawn to moonstones.

Celestite: Celestite, as the name implies, helps to promote spiritual connection and enlightenment. It’s a great stone for Pisces who are on a spiritual journey or seeking a greater understanding of the Universe.

Chakra crystal healing: image showing a woman lying down, eyes closed, healing stones placed on her crown chakra, throat chakra, and heart chakra

How to use Pisces Chakra Stones

Now that you know which Pisces chakra stones are perfect for balancing and healing, it’s time to learn how to use them.

The best way to use these healing crystals is by placing them on the corresponding chakra point. For example, if you want to heal your heart chakra, place a rose quartz stone on your chest. If you want to open up your third eye chakra, place a lapis lazuli stone between your eyebrows.

The best way to do this is while lying down. Then close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, but don’t force your breath. Let it flow.

Visualize the stone glowing and radiating healing energy to the corresponding chakra point.

Stay here for at least five minutes or until you feel the chakra point responding.

This is my preferred method to work with chakra crystals since it is such a direct way to influence the energy centers.

However, you can also carry the stones with you throughout the day or place them in your environment. For example, you could put amethyst in your living room to promote a calm and relaxing atmosphere. You could also wear moonstone jewelry to keep the connection to your intuition strong throughout the day.

No matter how you choose to use these Pisces chakra stones, know that they are powerful tools for balancing and healing your energy centers. Trust your intuition and allow the stones to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and growth!