10 Powerful Crystals for Anger and Resentment

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and start to lash out, crystals for anger can help you find balance and peace again!

Feeling a range of different emotions from time to time is totally justified and is often encouraged by energy healers and therapists. But the problem arises when we start experiencing a negative emotion so frequently that it starts eating away at our emotional well-being.

These highly charged emotional states devoid us of joy and the natural zest for life.

One such disempowering emotion is anger.

Feeling angry and frustrated sometimes is quite understandable, but if you have felt that this one emotion (anger) has been taking over your life lately, it’s time to do something before things get out of your control.

A black and white photo of a person with clenched fists

Eline, our resident specialist for mental well-being, says about anger:

“Anger is often considered a “negative emotion”, that it’s just “bad vibes” we need to get a grip on. But in and of itself, anger is neither good nor bad, it’s a natural human emotion. Anger can be a very important, helpful emotion because it gives us the strength to draw lines, recognize our limits, and insist that others respect them.

If you feel like anger is negatively impacting your relationships, I recommend that you take some time for yourself, take a few deep breaths, and carefully think about why your anger has become so great that it has turned into destructive, negative emotions.

Try to find out which of your limits are being ignored and by who.

An example, caregivers – be it parents of young children, people looking after their own parents, or caring for a disabled person – often have to deal with anger and might feel like they are unfairly lashing out. Caregiving is an extremely demanding, exhausting occupation and that’s exactly when anger tries (but fails) to be a helpful emotion by pushing you to insist on your limits.

You might be physically and mentally exhausted. And at the same time, there might be the thought that it can’t be helped, that the situation can’t be changed, that no one can help you. If that is your situation, look carefully at all possible options and ask people for help and support, even if they might say no. They might be able to help you with ideas!

And then you can be your best self again as a caregiver!

Anger is a feeling that very quickly makes us believe it’s always telling the truth and just looking out for us. But anger, like any other feeling, can trick us and lie to us. Just like anxiety, anger can be well-meaning (yes, I’m heavily anthropomorphizing here), but will lead us in a bad and unhealthy direction.

There are many situations when we get rightfully angry. But there are also at least as many times when we get angry because we are really just exhausted or stressed or upset about something entirely unrelated to the person we snap at.

And it’s important that we practice how we can recognize and differentiate between these situations so that we can use the energetic boost of our anger when it’s a helpful emotion, but take a deep breath and calm down when we know our anger is being destructive and unhelpful.

Meditating or brainstorming with crystals for anger is one of the best ways to start taking back control and finding a healthy way to deal with our feelings.

These techniques can also help us to figure out where we need to make changes in our life to take better care of ourselves, and where we simply need to be kinder to others and not lose our temper.”

Photo of Smoky Quartz towers, these are some of the best crystals for anger!
Smoky Quartz is one of the best crystals for anger!

People try to deal with anger and resentment through a variety of different techniques but one of the easiest solutions I have found over the years is using crystals for anger.

Just incorporating a few powerful crystals in your daily life can help you release the negative energies, realign your chakras and feel better every day.

So, do you want to learn which crystals you can use to eliminate your debilitating “anger issues” and transform your life?

Then make sure you stick to this article till the very end, as I will not only share the names of some powerful crystals but will also tell you about their secret, mind-bending properties that can profoundly impact your psychological well-being.

10 of the Best Crystals for Anger

Photo of Amethyst, a light to dark purple gemstone and one of the best crystals for anger


Amethyst is one of the most enchantingly vibrant stones to possess. It is a powerful tool for grounding your reactive emotions, and when coupled with its fantastic healing properties, it easily becomes the top contender for problems like anger and resentment.

The beautiful purple Amethyst crystal promotes inner peace and tranquility in your body, mind, and soul. It works on healing the crown chakra, which is your pathway to eternal calm and bliss. It is one of my go-to stones and I always keep mine by my side as its healing properties make me feel rejuvenated and grounded all day.

It is also known as the stone of sobriety. If anger feels like an addiction, Amethyst can help you to find the inner strength to let go and move on.

Image of Smoky Quartz, as translucent white to dark brown stone

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is known for its calming and healing effects.

Anger is an emotion that negatively affects and blocks the root chakra, and unless you don’t purify the chakra, you will continue feeling irritable, resentful, and desperate.

In that case, Smoky Quartz is a great option in crystal healing as this stone can fully cleanse your root chakra of any emotional blockages. Also, this crystal can help dissipate other heavy emotions like guilt and grief through its super high vibration and positive energy.

Smoky Quartz can also relieve suppressed feelings and bring you greater mental awareness of your needs or of old emotional wounds that you need to address.

Image of Rose Quartz, a light pink, slightly translucent gemstone

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a crystal known for its ability to soothe and recalibrate your heart chakra. It also encourages feelings of relaxation, making it an excellent candidate for helping you deal with your anger management.

It is the stone of unconditional love and compassion. Once your body and energetic field are filled with the powerful emotion of love, low vibrational states like angry energy disappear on their own.

Rose Quartz crystals are loving and calming stones that easily dissipate any negative energy.

Image of Lapis Lazuli, dark blue crystals that are among the best stones for anger

Lapis Lazuli

The next stone I have on my crystals for anger list is the enchanting Lapis Lazuli.

Lapis Lazuli is an excellent stone for dealing with anger issues because of its ability to relieve negative thoughts and provide mental clarity.

Also, this crystal resonates with the throat and third eye chakra. When these chakras are not in alignment, you are likely to feel restricted in your expression, and your life vision becomes very myopic. These difficult states can eventually give rise to feelings of anger and irritability.

Image of Blue Lace Agate, a light blue opaque gemstone

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is a stone of insightful communication and positive emotion. It helps a person build confidence, supports effective communication, and encourages strong emotional health.

This crystal is associated with the heart and the throat chakra. By calming your heart chakra, it fills you with the vibrations of love and bliss; as a result, the emotion of anger cannot control you the same way.

By realigning your throat chakra, Blue Lace Agate is the perfect crystal to help you express your thoughts and feelings in a loving, caring way so that anger doesn’t choose your words for you.

Image of Black Tourmaline, an opaque, matte black stone and one of the best crystals for resentment

Black Tourmaline

The Black Tourmaline is definitely the star of the show in my list of crystals for anger because these powerful healing crystals are true all-rounders that work with multiple chakras of your energetic body.

Starting from the root and continuing all the way to your third eye chakra, Black Tourmaline works to balance the energies in all these centers. When the energy centers are balanced, you are less likely to fall into loops of anger and desperation.

Black Tourmaline also shields you from other people’s negative energies so you don’t take on someone else’s anger.

Image of Blue Kyanite, an opaque light to dark blue gemstone with white, grey or beige lines

Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite is another powerful crystal known for its grounding properties. It helps balance extreme emotions and mood swings and is also used to achieve deeper meditative states.

In terms of anger management, this great stone helps initiate the process of self-reflection, which allows you to become aware of your unconscious thoughts and emotions. Over time with the tool of regular reflection, you can expect to banish your reactive tendencies and feel more and more grounded in the present moment.

This awesome stone also opens up your throat chakra, thus enabling you to speak your truth and express your feelings without fear and harsh words.

Photo of Blue Apatite, an opqaue blue stone with patterns and swirls

Blue Apatite

Another must-have in your set of healing crystals for anger is the Blue Apatite.

It is often referred to as the motivational stone, which promotes happiness, independence, and encouragement to go after your ambitions. It elevates your creative energy by unblocking the third eye chakra and alleviates emotions of fear and anger.

When you feel optimistic and energized, anger stands no chance.

Image of Yellow Topaz, a translucent yellow gemstone


So many energy healers use Topaz for stress relief, to relax your nervous system by calming down the “fight-or-flight” response of the body.

This crystal best resonates with the solar plexus chakra and purifies this center from blocked emotions like resentment and anger. Moreover, Topaz helps you neutralize and transform your resentment and channels it toward spiritual growth.

Photo of Emerald, a translucent, deep green stone that looks almost like glass


The last but certainly one of the most effective crystals for anger on my list today is the elegant stone called Emerald.

Emerald is a stone of love, beauty, and life. It directly works with your heart chakra to promote feelings of love and empathy. It also plays a huge role in stabilizing imbalanced emotions and helps you soothe your anger.

Crystals are amplifiers of good vibrations and, thus, are super effective in combating draining emotions like anger and resentment.

If you haven’t started experimenting with crystals yet, you are missing out on a lot of magic and fun!